Crazy Tessy Prattels

4 min readMar 24, 2018

So I read this poem once, called crazy Peter prattles. It was basically about a drunkard the poet named Peter who made more sense out of life in his most unsober (not an actual English word) state. And I think I just did that (well, I am sober but I wasn’t exactly planning to think this deeply when I did) and I just hope this will sound sensible to you too.

We’re all born into families, communities and countries. We grow up surrounded by people of all kinds, skin colours and accents. Have you realized that whenever you are displeased with someone within your social circle and you decide to compromise and let them have it, it always seems like the easiest way to solve the issue? Like if someone steps on your well-polished shoe in the morning on his rush to work, doesn’t even seem to get time to apologize and you just take a kerchief and wipe the dirt off and move on… That probably saves you from a displeasing exchange that will end up spoiling that good fresh vibe you had going on, yes? Because most of us believe in the sacredness of the morning hours. But where does that ’spare of the exchange’ energy go? Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only converted from one form to another. So maybe you use it to bite the head off of the new associate at work who doesn’t seem to be able to tell the difference between landscape and portrait documents. Or you use it to tell your best friend about the morning ordeal and like a good best friend, she engages you in a conversation about how dead chivalry is in society. That way, you have vented and bonded more deeply with your best friend so your day has that good vibe securely restored.

What if we looked at everything that way? Analytically and crucially, being very careful about what energy is transformed to what and where it lies on the integer scale from positive to negative? Do you think that would make our lives more complicated? Well, it surely would make it easier for the new associate and alike individuals who are likely to suffer thy wrath of a rude stranger who stepped on your amazing shoes. But what about YOU? Why should you go through the hustle of thinking through who to call so as to transform the negative energy to positive? So does trying to be a ’good’ human make your life more difficult? Does trying to be a good neighbor make your life more complicated?

Let’s look at all the things we are analytical about… Like disabilities. The autistic, albinos, cancer patients and survivors, HIV/AIDS infected people, infants etcetera. When these illnesses and syndromes infect or affect us, we do go out of our way to try and understand them. Other than how we go out of our way to not try and understand that guy who stepped on us in the morning. No, that guy, we just need to vent out how frustrated he made us. We, and scientists alike, put time and money in the case of scientists, to try and figure out these illnesses and try and understand the people affected by it and ways to alleviate symptoms, if not completely treat them. Autism, for example, the people around the autistic try to figure out what causes the seizures i.e. what triggers their weaknesses. They try also and figure out what gifting they have, because autistic people are some of the most gifted people on the planet i.e. what their strengths are. Now what if I put in this much energy into trying to figure out such stuff about all or at least most of the people around me? What’s your opinion? Would it make my life easier or harder? Would it be worth it in the end?

Well, scientists, and in particular, biochemists rack their brains for those kinds of details about almost everything. What is making this crop wilt, can we do something to stop it? Why is this condition causing neuropathy, can we come up with something to relieve that symptom? What does this crop contain and is it fit for human consumption? What nutrients does this plant contain and how can it be used to better the lives of humans? This drug has too many side effects, can we come up with an alternative without them? The list is endless. That is basically what this blog will be about. Well, till the course it will take changes, at least. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to get entertained and informed on matters Biochemistry and bear with me in the ups and downs of this journey. Hopefully, there will be more ups than downs.

PS: The prattles are what’s crazy, not Tess!




Biochemist; Passionate Science Communicator — decoding the world of science for the public; Connecting scientists with non-scientists.